Bouquet Arranging Friendship Event
Come arrange your own bouquet to take home with AEPhi and learn more about us and the sorority experiencee while making new friends!
Come arrange your own bouquet to take home with AEPhi and learn more about us and the sorority experiencee while making new friends!
Paint and decorate a tote bag with AEPhi! Learn more about us and the sorority experience while making your vary own tote bag to take home and make new friends!
Come play BINGO and make friends with AEPhi for the chance to win some awesome Prizes!
Make Cards for women battling Breast Cancer to send to Sharsheret, one of AEPhi’s two national philanthropies. We will be learning more about Sharsheret and the incredible work they do, plus making friends and doing a community service activity.
Make mini round challah with in a joint service and friendship event between AEPhi and AEPi at Hillel/Chabad in celebration of Rosh Hashannah!
Hang out with AEPhi and make plastic key rings with AEPhi and learn more about us!
Come make friendship bracelets with AEPhi and learn a little more about us! Supplies will be provided, just bring your creativity.
Come join Alpha Epsilon Phi in out first Friendship Event of the year! We will be bedazzling and customizing sunglasses and learn more about AEPhi.